Indigo Children

Hey Krissycuters!

   What are indigos is probably what many of you are all wondering.  They are wise beyond their years. They may understand mature topics at young ages unlike other people.

    I wanted to talk about indigo children, because I have had experiences that indigos usually have had. I find the topic very interesting. I have felt that I'm here for a stronger purpose. I want to help others that are in need or others that are mentally broken.

   That is one reason I've made my blog. Some people don't have support from the ones who should love them, and they feel lonely.

   One thing I have learned is that if you want to change the world you can't just try to change people from their regular mindset. You have to take it step by step, because they're are so many people on the planet.

    This blog entry will probably only be seen by several people, but I'm willing to push myself up to a point where I know people are feeling loved.

  If I can make a difference in someone's life that is all I ask for.
       I wanrt others to find their true selves and to seek who they are meant to be. We are all here for reason. No matter what family you're born into. You must find your inner self.

    In different worlds you may be one thing or you may be another. You can have a wondeful career if you try your best to suceed in it. Life is what you make it, and that is what I want to show the
world, because many people don't realize how precious they really are.

 Peace KrissyCuters!


  1. I'm glad that I find this blog. I have a place where I feel safe. You are destined to make this world better I can feel it within your writing. Its beautiful

  2. I love it, Krissy! Thank you :)

    1. Thank you so much! I love your indigo website. Itś beyond amazing!

    2. Thank you so much! I love your indigo website. Itś beyond amazing!


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