Ears Pierced!

Hey KrissyCuters!

 I hope all of you have been having a wonderful weekend, because I sure am! Believe it or not my ears were not pierced yesterday. My ears were just pierced today.

 I was a bit nervous, but it didn't hurt at all. It was like a little pinch, and it was done. 

Unfortunately, we had to go back because I realized that one of my earrings were lopsided. Luckily, they were able to fix it.

 The earrings are Garnet and I got them done at Piercing Pagoda. They have a very good selection of earrings.

 Go ahead and comment about your first piercing!  Some say beauty is pain.

Let's put life into writing!

Bye KrissyCuters!


  1. (⌐□_□)
    (⌐□_□) :)

  2. Hey it's JC nice blog btw keep up the good work


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