Update and French!
Hey KrissyCuters!
I apologize for not blogging on Wednesday and for not
blogging yesterday. Unfortunately, I had a violin concert on Wednesday and I
got home very late.
Yesterday I went out all day for my cousin's birthday.
I have some good news to tell you all about.
Today I have decided to start learning French. I have learned to say a couple things already.
I realized that since I had been learning Spanish for so
many years it has helped me get pretty far in French already.
The French word "Bonjour" may seem easy, but it's harder than it looks. The r at the end of Bonjour must have that raspy sound coming from your throat.
That sounded so weird, because I have no other way to
explain it. The sound of r in French is made by your throat.
I can’t explain it any better than that. I love all the French
words, because they all sound beautiful.
Here are somethings I have already learned!
Je M'applle Krissy!
That phrase means my name is Krissy.
Comment ca va?
How is it going?
The c is supposed to have something hanging from the bottom
but my keyboard does not have that type of c. Here is one more!
Je suis heureuse
That means I’m happy. That is the female version way of
saying happy. The male version would be heureux. Spanish and French are very
similar, because it does the exact same thing with men and women.
Well KrissyCuters that is all I have to share with you all
today! I will be blogging again on Wednesday!
Peace out!
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