I Missed Wednesday
Hey KrissyCuters!
I apologize for not blogging yesterday. I was busy doing homework, and it got too late for me to blog. I decided to give my topic today.
Iḿ going to try to blog next Wednesday on time, because I like keeping my word. The question today is!!!!!!
If you woke up one morning and you saw your entire bed gone and ripped up what would you do? I know this one is kind of weird, but Iḿ in a rush right now, because the bell is about to ring.
I will be blogging again on Saturday. I have a very good blog coming up about caring and respecting yourself.
I have been experiencing some issues at school. It isn´t anything terrible, but it is something I want to open up to and share with all of you.
Let´s put life into writing!
Bye KrissyCuters!!!
If I woke up and found my bed ripped I'd probably ask someone in my house why its the way it is. I'd probably feel annoyed