Thursday and Topic Activity!

Hey KrissyCuters!!!1

I forgot to blog last night so I'm blogging right now. We have free time in school today so it is the perfect time for me to give you all a topic to comment on.

 I'm trying to do this topic comment activity every Wednesday. Sometimes when I'm busy I won't blog. I do apologize for not blogging,  because I did promise I would do this every Wednesday.

 Now let's jump into this week's topic. So your home alone and you look out your window. You notice that there are a group of crows just sitting peacefully on your porch. What would you do?

 A lot of people think crows are bad luck and some people believe they are good luck. By the way they look to me they are bad luck.

  That is all for today! I will have another blog posted on Saturday.

Toodles KrissyCuters!


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