What is Passion and We have a purpose

 Hey Krissy Cuters!!!

    I hope you guys have all been having a wonderful week. I'm actually at school, but it's freetime so I have time to blog.

  I haven't blogged in a while and I apologize for that. I just wanted to say thank you for all of your support. I really hope my blog is bringing you up when your down.

    We all have that happy place and when I'm sad or when I feel as if there is nowhere to turn to I blog about my feelings.

   Blogging is like a passion or maybe even a hobby, but it's something I love doing. It's like having a sport that you play or singing or dancing.

   What is passion?  Passion can be defined in many ways. It's loving something and it's something that keeps you up at night. Dreams have the power to poison sleep.
    Some of you might not even know what you want to accomplish at in life, and I'm even still trying to find my destiny. It's hard to find that passion, but we all have a plan, because we are here for a reason.
    If you're reading this right now tell yourself that you're here to find your destiny. You are here to do something, and you will succeed at it. Life is what you make it, and that means you can do anything.

  Peace KrissyCuters!


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