Cheesecake Factory Review!!!

 Hey KrissyCuters!!!

    First I want to apologize for not posting anything for like two weeks. Well yesterday I went to the Cheesecake factory in Bethesda, Maryland.
I decided to review some of the cheesecakes they had there for my blog. They had Peanut Butter, Cookie Dough, Vanilla Bean, Oreo, and this 30th Anniversary one.

 I decided to get all five of them to see which one tastes the best in my perspective. So first I ate the Cookie Dough one which I didn't like very much because it had walnuts in it which I hate.

I then tried the Vanilla Bean which was pretty good because it tasted mostly like vanilla ice cream. Then I had the Oreo which was delicious.

The 30th anniversary flavor was okay but it tasted mostly like an actual cake not a cheesecake. Then the last one is the Peanut Butter flavor which is the best on to me.

It was like a Reese's flavor in it and the caramel it was the best one.

I have to admit the Cheesecake Factory has the best cheesecakes I have ever tasted I would recommend you going there and trying some.

Below there are pictures of the cheesecake that I tried the quality of the picture isn't very good.

This is the vanilla bean kind it was okay but still good!
The cookie dough pretty good
The 30th Anniversary cheesecake yummmm
The pic looks really weird but it was good still
My favorite!!!!!Peanut butter

Bye Guys!!!


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