My Future!

Hey KrissyCuters!!!
Today I just wanted to write about how I feel about my future, and what I have to do to make my dreams come true.
First I want to start off about school.  School is one of the obstacles in my path.
It’s not the education. It’s some of the people there that sometimes bother me, and it just really stresses me out.
I have to learn to ignore those people that try to bring me down. It’s hard because you think those people are giving you advice for your life, but you can’t let someone you don’t know well give advice for your life. You have to make your own decisions.
That is one of my major problems that could affect my future. It’s what other people say about what I want to do.
I need to learn how to stand up for myself better and find better people who won’t tell me I can’t do something when I know I can.
Before, I kind of felt that some people gave me good advice, but they didn’t. They tried to make me weaker, and I won’t let them do that to me.
It’s like someone hitting you with a bat and saying sorry. I won’t let them do that anymore. I’m stronger than who I was last year.
Though today there are still people I know that tell me I can’t do something, I will show them that I can.
The choices I make now affect my future, and I have to make the right choices.
Before I close this out, I want to tell you guys what my dreams are. My first dream is to become a famous inspirational writer, and I’m starting that now.
I also want to be an actress, and that will be hard, but I will conquer it.  I also will work with my brothers on a secret project we have been working on for years.
So thanks guys. Today I wanted to write from my heart, and I wanted to share it with you, and there is a lesson to be learned. Don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do, because there isn’t anything you can’t do.
“Seize your future”
Bye KrissyCuters!!


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