
Hey KrissyCuters!!
Today I wanna apologize for not blogging in three weeks. I guess I was being a bit lazy.
I’m just going to talk about what I have being doing over the past weeks. 
Last weekend I had my first visit to Dave and Busters!s

It was awesome!!!! I got two tubes of sparkly lipgloss from there. It was a great experience, and I hope I can go again sometime.

I also went to this cute little shop called B and J. I had never been there and, now I finally tried it out. It wasn’t the best thing, but it was a new thing to try.

Yesterday I made cupcakes! It was fun and they tasted good for a homemade cupcake.
Well KrissyCuters that are the main events that have took place over the weeks.
Bye Krissycuters!!!!!


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