
Hey KrissyCuters!

I'm sorry for not blogging. Its been about months since I've blogged which is absurd.
I have been focusing on final exams and schoolwork, but school ended for me so I'm free to blog all I want now.

Summer is going to be totally awesome there are sooo any things I have in mind.
I want to go to an opera,because I've never been to one before.

I'm also thinking about making some KrissyCute t-shirts. My friend gave me the idea and she said she would help me make them so I'll keep that in mind.

I've been busy working in school I forgot about my blog so here I am on June 20th at 3:13 blogging.
I'm excited today because my older brother is going to Europe on Monday for three weeks.

I'm gonna miss him but he is gonna have fun so I'm happy for him! Well KrissyCuters that is all for now!
 Bye KrissyCuters and stay tuned for SUPRISES


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