Fourth of July!!!

Hey KrissyCuters!!!

Well I know its late but I wanted to blog before I went to bed. Yesterday was July the Fourth and I hope all of you had a great time!!!

We weren't able to go downtown to see fireworks but some of our neighbors shot fireworks so we watched from outside. We also got some sparklers.

So I had a fun  holiday. I know I haven't blogged in a while I have just been a little busy.

To make it up to you guys I'm deciding to blog every day since school is over. So tommorrow I will post a daily blog about my day. You guys are also able to share what you guys are doing.

I have also been thinking about writing my own drama book series and posting chapters to my blog. I think I should spice things up a bit.

I do have alot of ideas coming to mind and I will discuss them with you all soon.

I do have a picture of one of my sparklers look below!!

Ok Bye KrissCuters!!!


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