Boring Mondays

Hey KrissyCuters!!!1

Its my favorite day of the week!!!!

I'm kidding I hate Mondays I don't know why but, they are really boring. I was bored all day today just cleaning and studying some new material.

I usually will blog late like right now its 9:48. Today I'm just gonna talk about my day. So I woke up this morning brushed my teeth and, got ready for the day.

I played my beautiful instrument which is the violin. Its BLUE!!!!!
 I will show you guys a picture of it sometime if I can get my camera not to be so blurry.

When I finished playing my violin I decided to do some math studying and I had to do alot of chores.

So my day was very boring and hopefully we do some more stuff tomorrow.

Okay tell me why my cat was acting weird earlier. He was fine and then he started acting cray cray!!

He was like meow meow meow!!!
 I was like "what? what? what?"

I thought he was trying to tell us we were about to die or something. Animals know alot of things so I thought he was trying to warn us.

He was just meowing for no reason, because nothing happened.

Okay well I know I'm so behind on a lot of things I really need to blog more and stop lolly gagging.

I promise I will blog and I will find something more interesting to talk about.

BYEEE KrissyCuters!!!


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