School is back and Movie Review Coming!

 Hey KrissyCuters!!!

I'm so mad at myself,  because I have not blogged in a month or two. I'm here to say I'm so sorry for not blogging.

School has started and I hope all of you are learning new things. I've been pretty busy so I haven't blogged.  Its a little strange that summer went by so fast.

I had started writing a story over the summer. I'm going to start writing it again, and I'm going to get it published at some point. This book is one of my goals that I'm trying to complete now.

All of us have goals we want to complete!

Tomorrow I will be going to the movie to see The Visit. It looks a little bit scary, but I can handle it. I think.

I will do a movie review on here so I can tell you guys my verdict. I have to go but I will blog again tomorrow.

Night KrissyCuters!!!


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