My Apology and Update!

Hello KrissyCuters!

 I know I have not blogged in a long time. At this point I promise I will blog ever Saturday.  I have been very busy with school, and I forgot to blog.

 I'm working on devoting myself to my blog, because it's one of my passions. Who doesn't love sitting down and talking about life every day?

 We all talk about recent events everyday so let’s put life into writing. I know today is Wednesday, and I'm supposed to make my topic for you all to comment on. 

If you woke up and you couldn't find any of your family members in the house what would you do?

That is the scenario for this Wednesday and every Wednesday from here on out I will have another scenario.

Thanksgiving is tomorrow which is exciting! I love sitting down with the family and chowing down the great feast.

I will blog again about my Thanksgiving, and I will blog again on Saturday.
Bye KrissyCuters!


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