Update and St. Mary's Ryken

Hey KrissyCuters!

 I apologize for not blogging in a while. I've been very busy. I'm working on getting into a private high school, and it is a lot of work.

  The highschool I went to for a shadow day was St. Mary's Ryken. The school is very beautiful, and the people there are very kind.

 I met their drama constructor and I sat in a class with tenth graders. I went to a Spanish two class. I knew all the Spanish. I had a spanish teacher during the years of my homeschooling.

 Their food is way better than any other school food I've tasted. It was very hard for me to choose what food I wanted to eat.
  It was a wonderful experience and I'm still moving foward into getting in. Please wish me luck KrissyCuters. I need all of your support on this!

 I will blog again on Wednesday! Stay warm there is a blizzard coming!

  Peace KrissyCuters!


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