You look disgusting Reaction

Hey KrissyCuters!!!!

I watched this video not too long ago by a youtuber named MyPaleSkin. The message in the video that flew throughout my brain opened my eyes to a lot of things I never payed attention to.

The video will be linked at the bottom. Apparently, in the video she had no makeup on and all these people were calling her ugly and gross. She has some acne blemishes.

After all the mean comments she started to putting makeup on. All the comments turned into compliments, but slowly turned back into hateful comments saying she was fake for wearing makeup.

After all that she wiped all the makeup off her face and the last comment was "You look beautiful." It was very sincere and deep.

Many people throughout their everyday lives suffer with really bad acne or just some acne. At one point I had some annoying acne, but it wasn't to the extreme, but I hated it.

You will forever be beautiful no matter how much acne you have. Love yourself and love your body. If someone is paying so much attention to your face because you have acne means they have a problem not you.

Also guys if you have any videos that you have seen please recommend them for me to react to!

Here is the video!!!!
Bye KrissyCuters!


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