Thoughts on "Educated" by Tara Westbrook

Hey guys!

   I apologize for the hiatus. Throughout the past few weeks, my blog has been lingering in the back of my mind. Although I am not always consistent on here I am still always writing. I write journals, Wattpad stories, and poems. Hell! The way my brain functions is as if I am writing a story.
   Anyways, I've had an awakening. A deep one that is tugging at the roots of my mind and heart. I can no longer take the resources I have and have had for years for granted. To give up would be to lose many possibilities that are out in the universe waiting for me....which is why I am back and back for good:)
   Yesterday, I read the entire book of "Educated" by Tara Westover and I have never been more empowered and ashamed in my entire life. The memoir is about the daughter of a survivalist and how she outgrew the oppressive doctrine of her childhood. Through education, she created a mind of her own and became powerful with knowledge of everything not just radical religious beliefs. The difficult part of her story is the dilemma of choosing between her freedom to embrace life and the small world of her family. I suppose she is living in two worlds.
   The story touched me because I could relate to so many of the situations and mindsets. They were not as extreme but they were close. I recommend everyone read it! It is beautiful, truly.
 Overall the story teaches you that the more you learn, the more free you become. I always knew this as a truth. The more you read and the more you allow yourself to consume healthily will advance you in ways never known to be possible. This woman had been abused, neglected, and brainwashed but shook herself awake. Many of us still need to shake ourselves. We need to look at our lives and choose what we want and fight for it. We should learn as much as we can to strengthen our minds and others in every aspect not just one. I truly believe that if you can see yourself in the shoes of situations different from your own, you can conquer the world!
   There was a scripture that she included from the Bible in her story. My mom and I spent almost all night discussing it because it was so mind blowing and I feel as if I called this into my life due to what has been going on with me the last couple weeks.
     "Now faith is the subtance of things hoped for, for evidence of things not seen." 
This scripture is from Hebrews and if you really take it apart and analyze kind of reminds me of the law of attraction.
   Now, I will continue this discussion in my next entry because I do not want to divert the discussion completely from Tara's book. However, the last couple of weeks I have practiced the law of attraction and it has changed my life in subtle ways. I will continue to use it and share my experience on my next blog.
  Before signing off, I want to shoutout the book again! Please buy this guys! It will amaze you and some may even relate to it like I did. Anyways, never stop reading and love yourself always.



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